2014年11月25日 星期二





★ 11/29 九合一選舉相關英文: 摘除器官、棄保、業配文、監聽、網軍★
1. nine-in-one elections 九合一選舉
2. election turnout / voter turnout 投票率
3. valid ballot / invalid ballot 有效票 / 無效票
4. voting notification 投票通知單
5. patrimonial society 靠爸社會
6. netizen 網民、鄉民 (又稱 villager) cyberwarfare units 網軍
7. independent mayoral candidate 無黨籍市長參選人
8. independent voter / undecided voter 中間選民
9. bulletproof vest 防彈衣
10. to harvest organ(s) 摘除器官 organ transplantation 器官移植
11. to rebut an allegation 駁斥指控
12. to hurt the dignity of~ 傷害~的尊嚴 (e.g. ~medical personnel 從醫人員)
13. to file a lawsuit (+against) 對~提出訴訟
14. strategic voting 棄保 (如2012年棄宋保馬)

e.g. Strategic voting was a crucial factor in President Ma Ying-jeou’s surprisingly comfortable re-election victory on Saturday, but Ma will not enjoy a one-party dominance as he did in his
first term because of a different legislative makeup, academics said yesterday.

15. bastard 混蛋
16. Japanization 皇民化
17. to displease sb. 讓~不開心
18. to mobilize~ 動員~ (e.g. to mobilize taxi drivers)
19. vote-buying 買票 candidate bribery 賄選 election irregularities 非法的競選行為
20. prosecutor 檢察官
21. wiretap 竊聽 (可當動詞、形容詞、名詞)
e.g. The coach said his club had wire-tapped the hotel room of a player during
a road trip.
"allegations of wiretapping" 監聽的指控

21. the pan-green camp / the pan-blue camp 泛綠/藍聯盟(陣營)
22. executive campaign director 競選團隊總幹事
23. spokesperson 發言人
24. vote recount / election recount 重新驗票
(e.g. to demand a vote recount)
25. to divide and polarize society 分化社會
26. to boost the morale of... 提振~的士氣
27. final countdown phase 最後倒數階段
28. to make a last-ditch attempt 最後的一駁
29. canvassing 拉票 door-to-door canvassing 挨家挨戶的拉票
street canvassing 掃街拜票
30. paid news 業配文

